Different affairs
29 July 2023
No pun intended - obviously state affairs in this case is quite the ... well big thing. Big political thing - trying to make money, trying to cover things up. And a woman thrown in - working for the police. It may be just too big for her (hopefully you do not consider this a pun - although ... nah, no pun intended here either and get your mind out of there). Some cases are just complicated - even more so, if you do not know who you are dealing with.

And also when some people who should be on your side ... just aren't. A lot of suspense, a lot of action (with some explicit images that some may find disturbing) and quite the quick pace. I did not expect the latter, but just rolled with it. Well played (if you have seen french movies before, you probably recognize some of the actors too) and really tight when it comes to the story ... depending on what you make of the outcome, you may like this more or less ... I think it did a good job - no matter how reality looks like ...
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