Night Court: The Eye of the Beholder (1984)
Season 1, Episode 5
Best so Far
30 July 2023
I only started to watch Night Court again, I am old enough to have seen it when it first appeared, but never continued to watch all the seasons.

Obviously, many things have changed, both in my age and and the condition of the US (let's leave it there). The first couple of episodes were very '80s. One even had a very young Michael J. Fox. Those were different times, way too naive.

This particular episode doesn't get so involved in politics at the time, just about Bull, and also some extraneous case of X-rated movies being filmed in public.

The handling of the X-rated movie filming was definitely a sign of the times. In this case there was absolutely no forced filming, exploitation, etc. Everyone was so happy to watch the videos. All very innocent.

The Judge's support, with his helpful style, for Bull, was an example of the open/liberal style that helped Bull. Times have significantly changed, which is a shame, but more realistic.
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