Review of Teliko

The X-Files: Teliko (1996)
Season 4, Episode 3
Out of Africa, and Into Boredom
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They tried to make an African Tooms. You all remember Tooms, the mutant monster man who could fit through any hole and ate people? Well, we did it again!

This episode could have at least risen to the level of mediocre had they just let the thing be a spirit. I don't know where they took this wrong turn of making him into a guy who evolved to suck people's pituitary glands out with a straw, but it's an exceptionally stupid twist idea.

Just let the folk tale about a spirit be about a spirit. It figured out how to get on a plane and fly to America. Spirits are mischievous, just let him want to come watch TV in America. He even spends the entire episode acting inhuman, when spoken to he takes a several second beat as if he doesn't just not understand the language well, but doesn't understand the concept of language well. He fits his entire body into spaces which would hold less mass than his body is, no matter how flexible he is. Just let him be a magical creature.

I actually have a feeling that's probably how the episode was written, or at least not everyone was on the same page. He's hiding in a 2' x 18'" shelf for God's sake. It's hilariously stupid looking.

Mulder and Scully spend the whole episode wandering around having no idea what they're doing, other than Mulder correctly suspects a magical creature is responsible for this series of strange deaths, because that's what he always correctly suspects. Except it's not a magical creature, it's a guy who sucks out your brain through a straw in his throat (evolution, you know, like Darwin talked about!) because that gives him the nutrients and vitamins his body needs to live. It's science people!

Also, would it have killed them to have Mulder find the guy's secret lair through some police work, rather than seeing a construction site as he's driving and just guessing? "The guy worked at a construction site... there's a construction site over there!" It literally wouldn't have taken any more work to do it that way. It's just random coincidence. Perhaps the writers felt this whole episode was going stupidly and gave up at the end. Scully does spend approximately six minutes wandering around an abandoned factory looking at nothing with her flashlight. Seemed like they needed filler.

Also, I hate to be personal, but to the people putting 10/10 on these terrible sideshow episodes, why are you like this? Why review things if you fundamentally don't comprehend the abstract concept of reviewing things? Episode 403 of the X-Files that's terrible? 10 out of 10! The Godfather? 10 out of 10! The taste of this old peanut I found on the ground and still has mud on it? 10 out of 10! Really perfect? What's the differentiation between anything thing? It's such a scummy thing to go around doing under the guise of positivity, but you're just a troll. Imagine doing this in other arenas of life: "Hey do you know how to get to the court house?" "My friend, justice can be found everywhere!" "Doctor what do you recommend to treat my deadly cancer?" "All treatments are equal under the eyes of God." "Should I feed my child fruits and vegetables or battery acid?" "Yes."

You all are less amazing human beings than you think you are.
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