Review of Unruhe

The X-Files: Unruhe (1996)
Season 4, Episode 4
Scully, the FBI Director told me if you get kidnapped just one more time, no more female agents forever.
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's just so bad. They start off well enough. Using the idea of psychic photography imprinted by a murderer. The stuff about him giving bad lobotomies, and weird demons, it's goofy, but okay.

But, is this what we should expect from professional TV writers? How does the serial murderer man get out of jail? What incredibly clever yarn have you bards weaved this time to explain so crazy a circumstance??? Well you see, all 37 other officers are rushing to the place he dumped the body of his last victim, you see because none of them have ever seen a dead body before, so all 37 of them have to go, including those officers responsible for operating the jail cells and securing prisoners, they all had to go too, because it's a dead body. So then you have one guy left behind to book the murderer, we arrested him for murder hours ago, but now we gotta book him, you don't book him until you've interrogated him all afternoon and got him to admit to a bunch of murders and tell you were he dumped the bodies. Only then do you get his fingerprints for the fingerprint records, so we can check them against his last fingerprint records from the last time we arrested him for beating his father to death, and then that way we can cross reference them to make sure he isn't using new fingers. But the guy booking him was all bummed out and confused he didn't get to see the dead body, and so he didn't have his head on right, so he's like, okay you walk over here, and now walk over here, and now walk over here, and touch this thing, and now I'm gonna walk over here, oops I left you unhandcuffed and you stole my gun while I was makin' copies, you rascal murderer!

If only we had left a second guy behind! Well, live and learn, it's hard being a cop.

And then Mulder's like, Scully, head on down to dark alley row to get our car I parked 10 miles from here, so we can get back to hunting down this dangerous psychopath who hunts women walking by themselves in this area, and be quick about it too sweetcheeks, I gotta stand here and wave this Polaroid around so it'll develop faster. And so Scully gets abducted again.

If I was the showrunner on this show, if I ever made Scully the damsel in distress, bound and gagged for some serial murderer's pleasure, I would make it a big event. Like this is the episode one of the heroes is in real danger! In reality though, we're in double digits at this point for Scully kidnappings, aren't we? She's seconds away from being another statistic how many times now? And is saved only because Mulder rushes in to rescue her ever time? Not very subtle messaging about the suitability for women being in law enforcement here, what's the average number of times a girl can expect to be stalked, overpowered, bound and gagged per year according to The X-Files? About 4.2 times per year? Yeah that sounds about right Chris Carter, good work.
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