Pushes The Climate Change Myth
1 August 2023
I've been following the UFO issue for many decades and have been well aware of Stephen Greer.

Initially his documentaries were very interesting. In fact they mostly still are as they know how to produce a good doc.

The problem I ask is "why does a random emergency room doctor know everything about the universe and life, and is called in to debrief US presidents and generals". It's kind of preposterous to say the least! It's like he's taken the Billie Meier cult nonsense and taken it to the next level.

He has collected a very impressive rogue gallery of "witnesses" that are borderline credible. I think that's the most impressive part of his "work".

But again, he's definitely got a messiah complex.

In this documentary he's jumped aboard the currently popular "Climate Change Crisis" myth. Right off the bat they cite climate change claims and predictions that have been proven false decades ago. He even pushes the "overpopulation" as a bad sign when in fact any species that is growing is a sign of thriving.

We know based on NOAA satellite data that snow coverage in the Northern Hemisphere has been increasing for the past 60 years (nobody mentions this).

We know that the earth's green spaces have increased massively - the size of the continental US - over the past 100 years. And NO this is not in snow covered areas, but rather in our deserts (Sahara has greened the most).

We know that the earth was warmer during the Medieval times and Roman Warm Period - and humans and crops thrived.

Polar Bear population has grown 500% over the past 60 years. Famine is at an all time low. Death due to climate related incidents (which mostly are from cold not heat) are at an all time low down 90% in the past century.

The "thousands of species are becoming extinct every hour" is also a debunked myth.

Most of these achievements have come from relatively abundant and affordable energy like coal. MORE people are dying from this energy being villainized and shutting down of things like coal plants making energy unaffordable.

And btw, if this so-called "free energy" that he talks about does exist, guess what? It will cause populations to rise even more, cities will grow substantially faster, and third world countries will come to be 2nd and 1st world countries even faster than they already are. What then? The catastrophists are going to call that "bad" and do everything they can to make that energy unavailable to control "overpopulation".

I guess he's got to sell views to make money from the grift and Climate Change Crisis is the current best way to get eyes on your cause.

Other than that, again, well made doc but mostly fiction imho.
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