From: The Kindness of Strangers (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Of all the Weird towns.......
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In all the world, you had to walk into mine?

So the writer and producers didn't think the lesbian doctor was obvious enough so of all the people in the world who could be in that bus, low and behold there, large as life is her lesbian lover. How'd have thought it possible. I mean there are some others there missing their loved ones but no, let's tick that particular box again and ram the point home. After all, every show must have one.

Then we have the bizarre episode where the sheriff is stuck down a well and is saved by a emaciated old man shackled to the wall at least 3 meters from it. How did he manage to throw a rope down whilst hanging from his wrists.

I know it's produced by the same crew who gave us series upon series of Lost with hundreds of loose ends not tied up then the cop out of 'Oh their all dead' If there is anyone out there that didn't feel let down by that rubbish ending I'd love to hear from you.

I fear this will end the same way when they stumble onto the Lost Island and find they've been there ever since.
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