Cabin Girl (2023)
She's a witch
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chipper Ava Robbins (Rose Lane Sanfilippo) starts a travel vlog as "Van Girl" following the death of her parents. She gains a following and before the end of the credits she has stopped posting. She had an accident with the van, hitting a deer. She had a bad head injury and buys a cabin nearby that needs to be fixed up. It was owned by Hannah Granger, either a murder or a suicide victim. She believes Hannah is trying to tell her the name of her killer while Ava becomes more aggressive. We also see that she has a serious stalker (Michael Rispoli) who is trying to locate her.

We see Ava having a slow descent into madness as the plot reveals itself. There is a large unexplained plot hole. What happened to the body of the "deer" she hit?

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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