Hunter's Moon (2020)
I love a good werewolf flick ... this isn't one!
3 August 2023
Wow ... I tuned in just because of Thomas Jane and all I can think is "he needed the money." Three legitimate actors are in it (Jane, Mohr, and Wyss), and all come off poorly.

Let's just start with the casting of the "teenage" daughters who appear to be 22, 27, and WAY over 30 for the "rebellious" oldest sister. All three are bad, especially the oldest (Bowden) ... her acting is just plain garbage, I can't believe she's been in as many things as she has.

The movie itself is poorly written and executed. There's really not much to like ... I'm sure Jane is embarrassed he was in this one. I could feel how badly it was going for him in his first scene, asking the obviously 30+ yo "teen" daughter if she was home alone. No way any actor could play it like she was a 17 yo!

Jane has done a lot of low budget movies (going the Nic Cage route), but he usually is the lone bright spot AND does pretty well with the material at hand. Not this time. He was definitely the best one in this, but he gave a pretty bad performance as well. I'm willing to write that off to a really bad script and a lack of enthusiasm when he realized what a lousy film it was going to be.

I'll try anything werewolf related, just hoping for a decent one, finally. Unfortunately, most disappoint ... this one more than most. All in all, it was hard to get through ... kudos to everyone that was able to do that.
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