Hope the movie screens this played on weren't huge.
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Blackmail is an ugly business, and involves some truly ugly characters, pretty much everyone unappealing and dishonest, or just uninteresting, including the leads John Bentley and Faten Hamamah. She finds herself in danger in her nightclub in Trieste, hit on and later shot at, and rescued by John Bentley who becomes her bodyguard. Together they become one of the most boring couples on-screen, and the film is thus difficult to remain interested in.

Much of this film deals with the headliners just sitting around and talking about the dishonest situations going on, with hints of intrigue, such as when one person threatens to break off the fingers of the man's hand he had just grabbed. This looks like a TV film that was deemed just too violent to be aired, and was rushed to a small number of cinemas for a quick return. Hamamah has absolutely no screen presence, and he's far from fetching as a leading man. Some of the location footage is unique looking, but I wasn't watching this for a tour guide to Trieste and the surrounding countryside, although the caves did provide some atmosphere even though they could easily be fake.
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