Great zombie flick
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I don't get the low score on this. I assume it must come from the manga/anime fans whining about some liberties taken in the movie? Honestly, I watched this without even knowing it was based on an anime, and it was great! The history is funny, characters might be a itch cliché but still likeable. Also, coming from a culture like Japanese, where work overload is a serious issue (people actually die for excessive work) this movie has a meaningful message How many of us are living a zombie-like life, going to a work we hate, spending most of our time coming-going to said job, and not actually doing what we would like? This like a new take on "what would you do if tomorrow didn't matter, and all you have is today" I lobe anime, but honestly the fandom can be so toxic sometimes. If you watch this movie as it is, an adaptation of a story you won't be disappointed If you are a fan of the original work, well, there's the anime version on Netflix too, go watch that.
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