Fascinating Movie
5 August 2023
I dont agree with the statement in which 2001: A Space Odyssey is the greatest movie of all time, I just dont. However, this is my first ever viewing and I do want to give it another rewatch somewhere down the road because there's a lot of interesting elements to A Space Odyssey that I have to truly comprehend. However, I do think it is one of the best movies ever made and it is single handedly the most important Sci-Fi movie ever made

Everything of the stage sets of the space stations, pods, ships and technology with the long wide shots for movie made in the 60s is highly impressive as well as breathtaking. In fact these space sets are way better than any other Sci Fi film Ive seen and that includes the Star Wars franchise

No question A Space Odyssey inspired not just George Lucas's Star Wars movies but a whole host of other Sci-Fi movies as a whole. I love some of the shots in space where characters are outside the ships in small pods or just outside in general, there is no sound in space and certainly no air to breathe

The themes I've picked up is Human Evolution, the dangers of A. I technology where they think for themselves and turn on us, life, death and rebirth, and dealing with the unknown lifeforms in Space with their Monolith technologies. Evolution is a very important factor where the start of movie its nothing more than apes in primitive fashion until one day they encounter a Monolith. The film shifts millions of years later to the human race and the advancement of technology to where it is theorized one of the main characters at the end is trapped in an Alien zoo where he dies and is reborn into something else entirely

We really don't know what's out there in Space whether it's Aliens themselves or strange artifacts and unknown technology. The evolution of our species becoming violent, controlling, destroying areas to colonize them, creating AI that could lead to our own downfall and so on

Im sure there's more to this movie I have missed or perhaps not fully understand or give more depth to my views of it and Im definitely going to be rewatching this maybe once or twice more. Great film that should be viewed at least once for a movie fan or Sci Fi movie fan in general.
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