Unrelated to CHUD, and absolute garbage!!
6 August 2023
I rather enjoyed 'CHUD' so I was curious to see what they would do with the next chapter. Unfortunately, 'CHUD 2: Bud the Chud' is a sequel in name only, and completely unrelated. It simply cashes in on the success of 'CHUD'.

This film is atrocious!! It quite simply is one of the most awful, stupid films! Billed as a comedy horror, the only horror was having to watch it. It is nothing more than a slapstick spoof of zombie films. Hell, this was terrible!! If I was a 5-year old with very few brain cells, I might have found it funny. But alas, I'm not, and I didn't.

The only relation to the previous film, is the fact the military is using the CHUD enzymes to use as biological warfare. When their latest experimental victim, Bud, attacks a doctor, they freeze him. Meanwhile, biology students Kevin and Steve accidentally 'loses' an actual corpse their teacher wanted to use for their next class. They decide to steal another body - only it happens to be Bud. They take the body to Steve's home, where they accidentally bring him to life again.

Bud then creates a zombie army of his own.... Ugh!! What follows, is the most unfunny, annoying garbage I've seen in a very, very long time! (Not since 'The Toxic Avenger' or 'Street Trash', anyway). The film became almost unwatchable. Oh, wait, it did!! If this was an animated film, I might have enjoyed it (a little bit), because then I would have viewed it as a (silly) cartoon. If 'CHUD 2' was meant to be funny, it wasn't. I cringed all the way!

For a film made in 1989 it certainly looks and feels much older. The make-up and the practical effects are bad, the acting is bad, the dialogue is bad, everything here is just bad, bad, bad to a cringe-worthy level! And what the hell is Robert Vaughn doing in this movie?! Desperate times...!
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