Review of Met Cute

And Just Like That...: Met Cute (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
all those addons....
7 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All those addons are unbelievable and the others are NOT NECESSARY.

Thank god to fast forward. I'm from that day and age where I had to conform to watch things on a channel with not the possibility of choosing to FF, rewind, where to watch it or when to watch it.

Why I'm I saying this? Because if there wouldn't be a FF option I wouldn't be seeing this. Really. Why?:

*The addon characters: NOBODY CARED ABOUT THEM IN SEASON ONE, NO ONE CARES FOR THEM IN SEASON 2. So I'm skipping all those ethnic pleasing parts

*The addon gender neutral lesbianwomanthatlooks like a men. I don't like to see gayrelationships. So I'm skipping that.

I'm skipping the men dressing like a woman. I don't like that agenda. It was so intense in S1, and they are still pushing it on S2.

Skipping the "genderneutral" girl.

Stop pushing that shitagenda down our throats. It is like they try to make is seem half society wants to be that way when it is not.

That's why this TV show is not relatable.

You could find a little of you in each one of the 4 friends in SATC. In this show, no you won't find any.

I just want to see the friends, and their relationship with each other, and the side characters we all know and loved from seasons 1 to 6 from SATC. Why putting new characters? Oh I forgot! Because they are white.

It is a freakshow.

And it is not believable the realtor having that way of life.

I know I'm forgetting many details but this is what I'm left feeling.

They want us to see all the woman empowered, sexy after 50... so they begin AJLT s2 with all the female protagonists (plus the other 3 we just really don't care) being sexy and having sex with their partners... Is that what's happening in RL with women almost 60 years old? I wish.
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