Fantastic episode. Don't listen to the haters, they're not really Trek fans.
7 August 2023
Classic fun Star Trek episode. I love this show and this cast.

It was really fun to see this cast perform in a musical episode, we get to hear some really great singers (with some auto tune for those that aren't so musically trained for good measure), the choreography was great.

We get some great character development for La'an (who is quickly becoming one of my favourite Star Trek characters of all time) and Kirk, as well as some great developments with Chapel and Spock.

Overall this is a great episode, and it 100% IS TRUE STAR TREK. Forget what these haters are saying, this is absolutely classic fun Trek. Other seasons have had silly episodes; Ménage a Troi, Budda-bing budda-bang, Qpid, Trouble with Tribbles, Our man Bashir. These so called "fans" seem to forget these corners of Trekdom.

Also, for those "fans" that are saying Roddenberry is "rolling in his grave"... he was FAMOUSLY cremated, and his ashes were sent to space.

Lighten up, have some fun, and enjoy the show!
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