The Twilight Zone: Miniature (1963)
Season 4, Episode 8
Nut Job or Autistic?
7 August 2023
Charley Parkes is a thirty and something years old clerk with a tedious job that lives with his mother Mrs. Parkes, who treats him like a boy. One day, he visits the County Museum and feels attracted by a woman in miniature named Alice. He overhears a song played by her in the piano, but the security guard tells him that it is impossible since the miniatures are wooden made without any mechanism. When he returns to his job, his chief fires him since he is a weird and antisocial man and has no teamwork with his colleagues. Soon Charley becomes fascinated by the doll and instead of looking for another job, he spends his days talking to the miniature doll. Until his family interns him in a psychiatric clinic.

"Miniature" is a strange, but interesting and sad episode of "The Twilight Zone". The lonely and needy Charley Parkes, who has no friends and never dated a woman despite of his age, and still lives with his dominating mother, has a breakdown after being fired. Charley seems to be an autistic man, capable to focuses in his monotonous work or in a point of a miniature house with high-concentration. His sister Myra seems to be the only well-balanced person in his dysfunctional family. Even her husband is silly and quite stupid in his good intentions. Charley spends his days contemplating a house with a wooden miniature of a woman and falling in love with and talking to her. But he is in the Twilight Zone, where everything is possible, and the conclusion is excellent although sad. Last but not the least, Robert Duvall has another great performance in the lead role. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Miniaturas" ("Miniatures")
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