Murder in Polná (2016– )
Gripping and moving
8 August 2023
This mini-series described events relating to a miscarriage of justice engendered by antisemitism that was every bit as bad as the Dreyfuss case in France. In fact, perhaps it was even worse as it was carried out against a simpleton who made a handy target.

The prosecution used the ancient blood libel to both stir up hatred and sway jurors to convict. No matter that there was no actual evidence and that witnesses were clearly lying, the judges were prejudiced and the prosecutor angling for a political career using the case as a springboard, Leopold Hilsner was wrongfully convicted of a murder he had not committed.

The case was appealed and there was a retrial before different judges and a new jury.

Many lives were ruined by this affair. Those who supported Hilsner had their livelihoods terminated and were ostracised as "Jew lovers". Others realised the injustice but held their tongues having seen what happened to those who hadn't.

The ending of the series was poignant as it explained what had become of the principal characters. The injustice was put right over 100 years after the event when all the participants were already dead. This was so sad.

This was a fabulously interesting three hours. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
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