Review of Tunguska

The X-Files: Tunguska (1996)
Season 4, Episode 8
A Less Intelligent Mythos Episode
8 August 2023
The 'Alien Mythos' episodes are never the best, but they aren't the worst either, they tend to be in the middle, okayish. This is probably the first time in series history where a mythos episode was actually content with being a bit dimmer than normal. The situations, the dialogue, the cause and effect, all the writing in general came across as pretty slapdash. A bit unintelligent would be a good way to describe it.

I think using Tunguska is a great idea in their overall story, but it's just all rather rushed. As executed it doesn't have to be Tunguska, it doesn't have to be Russia, it could be anywhere, the show does nothing with the premise really. And I mean Mulder parks at a non-descript Vancouver area airport in one scene, and in the immediate next scene is in the Vancouver woods, like, "Okay I'm Russia now!"

Also there's a science related death during the episode, and the aftermath is presented in the most bizarre way imaginable. Just everybody keeps doing their thing, I guess somebody realized one guy standing in the middle of the lab was dead. Better call Scully, she's the person who singularly shows up to handle lab deaths after all. I don't know, you can't have like a couple cops and a guy in a coroner jacket standing around too just for effect?

It's all pretty lame brained. And of course, I don't appreciate the ever changing backstory for the X-Files universe. In previous episodes the black oil alien was one thing, now it's another thing, imagine trying to follow this at home in the early to mid-90s, remembering episodes from years ago, just for any memory you had to be completely contradicted by what you were watching, making it a sloppy mess of a narrative. When you're improvising something always remember "Yes, and..." Chris Carter needed to look at his own mythos plots and go "Yes, and..." but instead he went, "I changed my mind, it works like this now."
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