The Silent Service: The Nautilus and the Nuns (1958)
Season 2, Episode 26
Another Episode of a Great Series
9 August 2023
This episode is about the USS Nautilus (SSN-168, not SSN-571, of course).

The Nautilus rescues nuns from an island being taken over by the Japanese.

This is another episode of the series about the heroism of the USN, USA (Army), Australians, British, Filipinos, Indonesians, and other Allies.

When I lookup (DDG/Google/Bing) information about the submarines mentioned/detailed in the episodes, I get the same basic information that is in the pertinent episode... I consider this to be a high compliment to the facts presented in each episode. Of course, there aren probably inaccuracies.

This series doesn't attempt to instill more drama than actually existed ... which must have been significant ... it decreased the drama and let us, the viewers, decide for ourselves.

Anyone that has actually been within a WWII submarine nowadays (such as the USS Torsk, SSN-423, now in Baltimore, MD, near the National Aquarium, USS Constellation, and USCG Cutter 37) would have additional awareness of what the USN submarine crew had to deal just when not in action. It is quite small, except for the racks of torpedos which took a lot of room.

The series even touched on the sensitive subject of the significant issues with the Mark 14 torpedo, which had major multiple problems, all covered-up by one person in the USN.

Great series, great episode of rescuing nuns. The compassion/dedication of the nuns make them heroes as well.
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