Insulting my intelligence
9 August 2023
Yeah, each group happens across a novel item to start a fire with and a different wrecked vehicle to scrap for parts.

One gets a lens, one gets a mirror, one gets a broken lighter. Come on. Rather than pretend that this is all by chance which only demonstrates a contempt for your audience, you should be honest and just openly give them these items, or say that you've placed these items around their camps to find.

There is a lot of nonsense in Naked and Afraid but until now it has always been questionable how far they go. It's obvious that everyone always gets fed on the days before extraction. Obviously these creatures are placed down and survivors are directed to them or given hints.. but this show goes beyond that to straight-up insulting.

Glad to see the barehanded killer though.

Episode 3 edit: My goodness.. The group that is struggling the most just randomly happened to find a machete under some junk scrap metal. You've got to be kidding me. What are you doing, Naked and Afraid? Totally undermining your legitimacy.

You're even undermining survival. Naive city-dwellers might believe that they will find everything they need randomly lying about out in the wilderness. You are totally implicitly and dangerously misinforming these people. Why can't you just stick to the rules?
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