The Twilight Zone: In Praise of Pip (1963)
Season 5, Episode 1
slow moving, but fairly good story
12 August 2023
Klugman was apparently a favorite of Serling and others for "ordinary men" roles.

Here, the ordinary man is a bit of a rogue, but not much of one, and he's in trouble with dangerous men.

Meanwhile, his son is perhaps dying of wounds in the war.

The rest is fairly predictalbe, but not in a bad way. What is bad is the slow pacing, and very few TV episodes of this era were near this slow.

The charisma of Klugman carries most of the episodes he appears in, just as his charisma made the Odd Couple series one of the great comedy series instead of an average one.

There really isn't much of a payoff of bang per buck in this episode, but it's just a few bucks for a tinier bang, so it's not the worst, just oen of the dullest episodes.
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