12 August 2023
This was my most anticipated movie of 2023, lets just get this outta the way. I'm the kind of Resident Evil fan that follows and watches and knows almost everything going on in the main series but is too much of a wuss to actually start and finish one of them because my heart cant handle horror. I love the characters, a certified Jill and Leon simp, I love Rebecca and like the Redfield siblings. So one can imagine just how livid I was when I found out they're going to team up in a new animated movie. This is ENDGAME for RE fans and for the most part my hype was satisfied.

This is gonna be pretty biased, if you arent a fan of all things RESIDENT EVIL you aint gonna like this one and this aint for you either. This was made for the fans, an excuse to bring the gang all together. Throw in Ada and Wesker and Sheva somewhere and it'd be a fever dream.

The movie was fast paced, barely any downtime or time for character buildup because lets face it, each of them has gone through hell and back multiple times. The villain was pretty decent, in that his backstory and motives far outshone his actual plan and endgame. Lets just say he wasn't the smartest tool in the shed and his scenes in the end was outright dumb. Except for the last 25mins the movie was pretty solid. But the ending was underwhelming, the main baddie was underwhelming, the teamup was a wasted potential and for being the ENDGAME it was definitely not an AVENGERS level threat. This was prolly the most self-contained and cut-off-from-civilization RE since the first game. The actions were fantastic, the visuals were astounding, the score was forgettable and the dialogue corny-just how it should be. There were slight hiccups in the CGI and VFX in a few scenes esp with water areas but overall a great feast for the eyes.

My gripes are with the last 25minutes, couldve been the masterpiece it shouldve been but stumbled face first. But does it detract from the experience? Absolutely not. The character interactions were gold, the team-ups fantastic and FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER Leon-Jill teamup!!!! Just this alone is enough for me, I love them so much!

I got my moneys worth but as I said this is gonna be a very biased take. Its atleast a good past-time for the general public and a must-watch for people fan of the series. It wont blow anyone away, it may even disappoint many but I was left satisfied and thats what matters to me. Movies are subjective, doesnt matter how good or bad a movie is technically if you enjoyed it and had a good time. Its ok for movies to just be movies.

RATING: 8.5/10(Biased fan rating)
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