the most strange dlc of batman
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The DLC of batman arkham origins blackgate It is very different from all the Arkham games the DLC is 2.5D action-adventure video game

The plot of "Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate" revolves around Batman's investigation of a prison uprising at Blackgate Penitentiary. After the events of "Arkham Origins," three of Batman's most notorious enemies-Joker, Penguin, and Black Mask-have taken control of different sections of the prison. The game is divided into three main areas, each controlled by one of these villains.

The gameplay was bad way The developers do this?

This is really bad

the end of "Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate," the ending of the game depends on the choices made by the player and which of the main villains they choose to confront and defeat first. Each of the three main villains (Joker, Penguin, and Black Mask) has their own unique section of the prison, and players can tackle them in any order.

After dealing with the three main villains and their respective sections of the prison, Batman eventually uncovers a larger plot that ties the events in Blackgate Penitentiary to a more significant threat. Batman has to confront the mastermind behind this plot in a final confrontation that tests his skills and determination.

The ending sequences usually involve intense battles, cinematic sequences, and resolution to the storylines of the individual villains. Depending on the player's choices and the order in which they tackled the villains, the ending and final cutscenes may differ slightly. Ultimately, the aim is to bring the chaos in the prison under control, thwart the villains' plans, and restore order to Blackgate Penitentiary.
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