Dark Shadows: Episode #1.909 (1969)
Season 1, Episode 909
Little Carolyn
14 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very good episode, a lot going on and loaded with characters.

Paul finds Carolyn at 8 years old, apparently Alexander was able to change into her. The actress playing her more resembles Eve Plumb of the Brady Bunch. There is a genuine chill when she says to Paul "Why did you do it, Daddy?" She runs off and disappears.

Chris is visiting Olivia, she wants to borrow the Tate paining again, Chris mentions Julia is looking after a patient named Grant Douglas.

Julia decides to help Grant through hypnosis. She uses the medallion from past episodes and like the other times, asks him if he can "see the center". He mentions the name Frederick Thorne but still does not remember his own past.

Chris tells Julia he heard someone had paid to have a painting X rayed.

Paul sees little Carolyn again, she has the Anna Sewell book Black Beauty. He chases her to the study. Julia arrives, Paul says there is a little girl in there but Alexander emerges instead.

Julia has Grant ready to be released from the hospital. Olivia arrives and says Grant will be leaving with her.
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