Family Guy: Oscars Guy (2022)
Season 21, Episode 1
Time To Call It A Day
14 August 2023
To use a motoring analogy, Family Guy has been coasting on fumes for years, but with this episode it's now running on empty.

You'd think the writers would be spoilt for choice parodying movies that had won the Oscar for Best Movie, but no - it seems they haven't even seen one since 1999. (Though looking at a list of the films made since then that fit their criteria, I suppose they didn't have much to work with... I haven't even heard of most of them, let alone seen them.)

The problem was that the three films they chose to spoof were so old, there was nothing left to spoof that hadn't already been done before : Family Guy itself has already parodied all three films in short skits many times, long ago. There wasn't a single funny moment in the whole episode.

Seth MacFarlane (who even sounded bored performing his lines) said many years ago that he felt Family Guy should come to an end... there's no doubt that time has now come.
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