Burn the House Down (2023– )
Absolutely pointless plot.
14 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Anzu embarks on a mission to find out who burned down their house thirteen years ago.

First question - given a blaze of that intensity how was anything left standing - it would have been reduced to rubble.

Her mother kneels in the road and says "I'm sorry" - so father divorces her?

The father is painted with such a black brush that he is a villain to be hissed at every time he appears.

Why - if they were a normal family - did he not contact either of his daughters for thirteen years?

Anzu remembers a woman who made friends with her mother and copied her so closely she became like a clone of her. I can't imagine any woman putting up with that - she would have distanced herself immediately.

The woman's name is Mariko - a model - and celebrity - if you can believe that - they needed a much more attractive woman to pull that off.

Anyway she is a slatternly housekeeper - again the dirt is so overdone as to be ridiculous - and she hires Anzu to be her housekeeper whilst telling her fans she does it all herself.

The plot winds wearily onward to a solution - which wasn't that much of a surprise.

Mariko - she is shamed briefly but soon rises up again.

Very unsatisfactory - it made the entire series pointless.
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