Match of the Day 2 (2004– )
It's Fun, But the Original is Better
14 August 2023
Yes it's no secret that the Saturday installment of the show is infact better, with more chaos pursuing and more matches, which equalls more Entertainment. Match of the Day 2 only has a few matches, less jokes, and offers a lot less Entertainment. It's not a bad thing, just the first one is better, and the Chemistry between the pundits are really showcased in the original, the same can't be said for the predecessor. Not that the Punditry is bad, I just think an hour of two matches is abit dull, and could easily be toned down to 10 minutes less or so. With that said, it's a breath of fresh air, and honestly a lot simpler then the original. Which is a good thing, and can be a bad thing, as we've already established.

The Games are still Entertaining to watch, just less so. BUT with that said, the punditry is still top notch. And Mark Chapman offers something different to what Gary Lineker offers us. He's a bit quiter, and is streight to the point, still showcasing that he knows what he's on about. And it's an inspired choice from the BBC. Mark Chapman, should be the main pundit for awhile, his commentary is pretty good, and he's got a charming personality. That makes jokes with the other pundits from time to time. The show itself is above average, with not much Entertainment value being provided, 2 matches which is stretched out to an 1hr is overly long, and doesn't fit the narrative very well. They are trying to be simpler, and it works, but it should also be shorter in my books. As they talk for too long sometimes, and the episode hinges on that. And for me it doesn't work, it feels Boring in places. They should perhaps talk less. But the analysis of the game is still fun, it should be rectified with making it shorter, but on the whole they aren't bad punditrys. A fine, short and simpler version of the original Match of the Day!

The Reviewers on this are right, it's by no means bad, far from it. Just sort of in that good category, and will hopefully stay lingering on that. Tonely it's inconsistent, with the fast paced matches, and the slow analysis. But if this does change then it's guaranteed to be a solid 7. It still is great to see the prem ensue with giving us great action. And providing us with good punditry.
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