What a ride...
15 August 2023
Streets of Colour is an amazing and compelling independently produced feature film set in western Sydney. It's a gritty, down to earth portrayal of life in lower middle class suburbia; populated by more of a cross section of contemporary Australia than some may realise and many would credit.

In this community, everything is on display. Not like the silos of 'better class' suburbs and areas, where neighbours are anonymous and bad habits and behaviours are secreted from prying eyes and intervention.

Emotions are raw and exposed in poorer neighbourhoods, where scholastic achievements or even a lack thereof are not the measure of the man nor indicative of someone's opportunities, status or disposable income.

This dissociation with an outsider's view of this depressed world and the reality within it only adds to the turmoil faced by those living in this harsh, hostile and potentially dangerous environment. A powder keg waiting to explode, fueled by ugly racial antagonism; and explode it does!

Drama, drugs, gangsters and gangs are interspersed with those just trying to survive their own personal struggles, find love and fulfilment, spiritual intervention and the milieu of life as we know it in the interconnected information age.

This dynamic and dramatic tale is a great addition to a limited but very relatable group of films, also added to last year by the remarkable Way Out West, that provides contemporary insight into modern Australian life.

Highly recommend that you see this film and support the efforts of the many talented creators and amazing artists involved in this fantastic film.

A ride through the streets of postcode 2770 that you'll never forget!
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