Psychovision (2003)
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the very beginning of this movie, you know that you are in the world of Alvaro Passeri and it is a very strange place.

The camera pans down a long hallway inside a hospital and there we see labs, operating rooms and storage rooms, all rendering in extreme detail but also looking like paintings. In one room, however, there are creatures still alive inside restraints, dead things inside jars and a man named Michael Corday operating on a human head.

One would wonder why the film suddenly cuts to Gayle Mainwaring and her photo studio, but this is, again, not our world. And one not like any other movie. There's a model named Lucy shows up and gets raped and killed in a scene that shocked me. No one knows what to do before Corday takes charge and shows everyone how to get rid of the evidence. He takes her body and removes her green eye in a surgery scene much like the opening of the film.

But then this goes from a mad scientist movie to a giallo, as everyone at the party gets murdered. Except no giallo would have the budget to be in the Arctic and the pyramids, as this movie takes us, but it's through the low res CGI that Passeri is the master of. There's also an incredible dive into molten steel.

Now, you may ask, why do a cave explorer, a construction worker, a foundry foreman, a mountaineer, a famous fashion photographer, an archaeologist and the world's best eye surgeon all get together and randomly assault and murder young women?

This movie has BS science the likes of which Argento and Cozzi could never dream of, visuals that no one has ever seen before and absolute disregard for making a film that in any way fits into any definition of normal. You can't look away from a single second of it but sometimes you have to, because this is the kind of film that overwhelms you with how dense it is.

The only bad thing about it is that its the fifth of Passeri's films and the last he made. By reading his website, it seems like he's concentrating on making automatons. If he ever wants to make another movie, I'm willing to kickstart as much cash as he needs.

You can also go back and watch the other movies that he worked on. He did scenic sculpture for Tentacles, Caligula, The Shark Hunter, Starcrash (that makes sense), Inferno, The Last Shark, Alien 2: On Earth, Piranha II, Hercules (again, makes sense) and 2019: After the Fall of New York. He also did effects for Warriors of the Year 2072, Atlantis Interceptors, Light Blast, The Wild Beasts, Sinbad, The Barbarians, Aenigma and Dolls.

I have so many questions about this movie. Someday, I hope to have answers.
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