Crash course in brain surgery, as they say
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Amazing Two-Headed Transplant came out in 1971 and The Thing With Two Heads more famously was playing theaters in 1972, but as strange as it is seeing Rosey Grier and Ray Milland share the same body, Andy Milligan can somehow outdo any movie, one or tw0-headed, just by making his normal - well, not really normal - movie.

Don't be put off by the idea that this is based on a classic book like Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mri Hyde. It's still certifiable.

Dr. Jekyll (Dennis DeMarne) has perfected a surgery - well, as much as cracking open a skull and poking a brain can be an operation - that allows him to isolate the evil in the brain. Everyone thinks that this is a ludicrous idea, so he invents a formula that allows someone to become the dark side of their mind. Why would anyone want this? Science is like that. Now, the good doctor becomes Danny Blood, who is everything twisted inside his once medically inclined brain.

Instead of just being with his wife - who definitely wants him - Mary Anne Marsden (Gay Field), Jekyll would rather experiment in the laboratory. His assistant, Jack Smithers (Berwick Kaler), would rather be getting with Jekyll's sister Carla (Jaqueline Lawrence), so in the middle of their tryst, he gets all the formula's notes soaked. That means there's no changing back now.

But does the doctor even want to? I mean, Danny Blood does stuff like force barmaid April Conners (Julia Stratton) to bark like a dog and rides her around quite literally while absolutely shrieking, "You shouldn't be allowed on the face of this earth! You're scum! You're the defecation of the slums of London!"

I mean, if that's consensual, good for you, Danny Blood. But then he decides that topping ladies isn't enough. He needs to kill some to get off.

Who loved the fog machine more? Andy Milligan or Lucio Fulci? I mean, my nose is burning just from watching this and it was made fifty years ago. But whatever. Smoke up all the fog, Andy, and let your characters shout at the heavens.

But no, no one in this movie has two heads.
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