Boring New Characters, Show's Lost
18 August 2023
The animation remains good and the original actors keep the train moving. The new characters (the Jons & Alysia) are dull and uninspired and are basically there to pad screen time. If you introduce a new character, help us understand who they are, what their motivation is, or at least have them say something clever.

The action scenes are forced and without a real rationale. The bit about Harley's eyesight are unfunny and overdone, and many jokes aren't as clever as the writers seem to think they are. Worst of all, Harley & Ivy seem lost without anything interesting to do, so the writers go back to forcing a rehash of scenes like Tawny but without any sense of constructing a coherent story. I direct them to Trey Parker & Matt Stone's talk about moving from "This and then this" to "This, but this (complication), and therefore (logical next step based on our characters/true-to-life consequences)."
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