Origami Flower
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Starting out in the classroom where we see our first episode showing Mikus love for Topanga. Mikus is reading an origami book with a origami flower on Topangas desk. Cory and Shawn make fun of him for being in love. We get a dead Bambi reference along with an armpit fart.

We get into the plot of the story when Eric comes in as a guest speaker to tell the class about going to the High School next year. He mentions parties and cool hang outs. Giving Eric some time in a scene in Cory's social life and not just his home life, opening up the storyline.

Topanga goes to the Matthews house with brownies and we seem to be continuing Topangas oddness with the mention of her sisters name. Shawn tries convincing Cory that Topanga has a crush on him.

Eric goes to take the trash out and Feeny gives him a heartfelt lesson on what he should have been talking about to the 6th grade class. All while Topanga is creeping in the back of the scene for NO REASON. Very weird.

In the cafe we get Cody wearing a Disney Anaheim Ducks jersey in Philadelphia? Not trying to promote at all... this is where they find Topangas notebook and realize she is in love with Eric and not Cory.

Topanga comes over and comes on to Eric on the couch which plays for an iconic moment of him stopping her from kissing him. Telling her she is a great girl but to be strong and he is too old for her.

Eric comes back in to deliver the right speech to the class, and Minkus is fantastic in this scene, right on beat and very good actually funny jokes.

Overall a really great episode, there is only one storyline going on with a heavy Eric centric episode

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