Not bad, but incredibly talkative...too much so in fact.
18 August 2023
Richard (Robert Ryan) is an American reporter stationed in some Baltic nation that isn't communist...though the government is corrupt. He's working on a story to prove that the nation's leader, the Duke of Orgagna (Stewart Granger), is embezzling funds. But the Duke is like a cat....and in the film, he spends most of his time toying with Richard...before ultimately destroying him. First, he sets up Richard to appear to have killed a man. Second, he takes Richard to stay at his island retreat...where he plans to mostly talk and talk and talks before finally dispatching him.

While Ryan and Granger are both excellent actors (particularly Ryan), the script is far from perfect. Instead of action and suspense the film substitutes talking...and more talking. It makes for a very static story instead of an exciting or intriguing one. Overall, not bad but it sure could have been better.
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