Review of T.I.M.

T.I.M. (2023)
Solid, if not overly original sci-fi
20 August 2023
Abi Campbell is employed by at a cutting edge robotics company where she works on T. I. M. The 'Technologically Integrated Manservant'... basically a human looking robot that does household tasks and is fully integrated into its owner's computer systems. She has moved to a remote rural home, hoping that away from London her husband Paul is less likely to keep straying. Their new hi-tech home comes with a T. I. M. Both a perk and a condition of her job. It appears to be very helpful but Paul doesn't like having it in the house; is he worried that T. I. M. Will make it harder for him to carry on with the neighbour or is there something genuinely sinister about their robotic servant?

I thought this was a pretty solid science fiction film even if the concept of humaniform robots in the home is hardly original; I couldn't help being reminded of the film 'Ex_Machina' and the TV series 'Humans' and 'Better than Us'. It is somewhat predictable but that doesn't mean it isn't entertaining. Georgina Campbell impresses as Abi and Eamon Farren is delightfully creepy as T. I. M., firmly positioning the robot in uncanny valley even before its behaviour becomes obviously suspect. Most of the action takes place in the house and the surrounding countryside or occasionally the works; this provides an excuse to keep the cast fairly small. Most of the time things are merely creepy but there is occasional, effective action. The denouement is okay but not much of a surprise. Overall a decent if minor addition to this genre.
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