Review of LFG

LFG (2021)
Purely a PR spin where CNN lets the women's team repeat demonstrable lies
21 August 2023
Almost every claim made by the lawyer in the documentary is a bold-faced lie.

-The women's team was offered the exact same pay structure as the men, but they did not want that contract, they collectively bargained for a different type of contract. Afterwards they realized that the original contract meant they would earn more, and so they claimed discrimination. Let me emphasis : They claim the contract that they wanted, that they negotiated for (because they didn't like the pay structure of the men's team) is discrimination against them. A complete joke.

-This contract includes paid maternal leave, health care plans, and about 2 dozen other benefits that the men's team simply does not get.

-This contract meant that when all soccer was cancelled due to covid, the women's team continued getting their guaranteed 100,000 payment. The men earned 0 dollars during this season.

-So if anything, the men's team gets to argue pay discrimination, not the women's team.

-The women's team wasn't being paid less than the men's team, they were being paid MORE. Not just in total, but on a PER MATCH basis.

-The women's team gets a substantially larger cut from the women's world cup earnings than the men from the men's world cup.

The women's team does not want equal pay. They want the low risk contract that they had previously, combined with the high reward that the men's team wants. In other words, they want a contract that is superior to the men's contract in every way.

This whole documentary is nothing but lies and a PR spin to back up pure entitlement.

Edit : Addressing some of the arguments made in the other reviews :

-"The women's team brings in more revenue." No, no they don't. They bring in more revenue in the United States, but international soccer is an international sport. On an international level, the women's team brings in substantially less revenue. The women's world cup finale only brings in as many viewers as the average men's world cup match. And even if only the revenue in the US counts, the revenue split was about 100 thousand out of around 50 million. The difference in revenue brought in was SMALLER than the difference in pay. And to emphasize this again : The women's team earned MORE. Not just in total, not just per match, but also relative to the amount of revenue generated in the United States!

-"They work 3 times as hard." That's another demonstrable lie. The women's team only has to play a maximum of 3 matches in order to secure a spot on the women's cup. The men's team has to play a maximum of 10 matches to secure a spot on the men's cup. In 2018, there were 210 men's world teams who try to qualify, while there were only 46 women's teams in 2019. Which leads to the next argument.

-"The women's team is better, so they deserve more." The women's team is only better relative to the other women's teams than the men's team is to the other men's teams. Only 4 other women's teams have won the world cup, while 8 different teams have won the men's world cup. Considering national women's teams tend to not have any other women on the same level to play scrimmage matches against, they instead opt to play against teenage boys. At which point they lost 7-1 to boys under 15. They're not even better than middle school boys, how are they better than adult men?
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