'Cheaters' ....reborn !
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We've been living in a reality Tv world where nothing is new. At its best it's a rehash of an older previous series but with new shiny bells and whistles and in the best cases a new and improved twist so that it's not a total rehash except for the name.

So now we have 'Cheaters'...sorry 'Unfaithful : Caught in the act'.

Now I admit it's that long since I've seen 'Cheaters' I'd almost forgotten about it and when I started this I recalled something familiar and then the penny dropped.

But I thought 'give it a chance'. Tami Roman seems convincing ish...polished I think is the word. The office /come home / come whatever it is where the interviews take looks okay until you notice it's looks suspiciously dressed by a realtor who is selling it.

The alarm bells started to clang when the 'badly done to' start to appear. These 'cases' are taken on her 'whim ?'. No...I don't think so. The case commences and the investigation starts. And with it there's the endless product placement for secret cameras and recording devices.

(Thanks for that by the way. I now know if I ever want a secret camera I can get one for my bag,my glasses etc basically you name it and there's a camera available to put in it).

So we have one placement, one incident and they call it quits. Everything is done.

The badly done to one has their worst suspicions confirmed but (and the twist) they get an offer they can and often do refuse.

Reactions to their news did vary.

And this is where I really got irritated. The 'acting' needed was clearly beyond several of them. Smashing up a room is nowhere near as tidy or precise as went on here. It was bad. The I realised that MTV were consulting their standard cast list of reality show 'victims' when one person presented themselves who's been on at least another three episodes of their programme list. Two separate episodes Catfish and another of a Catfish offshoot. Their appearance is striking and unmistakable and their IG is happily broadcasting 'See me on this show'. And that's when I stopped being accepting of the 'pretence' and got irritated instead. We all know these shows are worst a total set up, definitely scripted or 'enacted' but surely we don't have to see the same people rehashed. At what point do they stop being participants and become actors instead.

It's a shame in a way. There's room for a 'Cheater' type show but this isn't it. Or if if it is it has to be far less slick and far more realistic.
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