Review of Tinker

Tinker (1949)
Bygone look at mining in Durham and very interesting.
23 August 2023
I only got to see the last quarter of this fim which was a silly story about a gypsy boy getting taken on as an apprentice in Easington colliery in Durham's then extensive coalfield. It offfers many scenes of bygone mining villages in Durham and is very interesting from that point of view.

I'm 2 years older than the film and it is pretty sad to see how badly off the miners were and how they were treated by the owners and the new National Coal Board.

Film does portray the general decreptiude of the mining villages, the spoil heaps, intriguing shots of the great pithead wheels, red hot coke pouring out of the coke ovens to be transported to Durham's long gone steel works, and everything covered in coal dust.

Final scenes involve the boy running away and climbing into a tub being carried along the aerial cableway to the tower built in the sea where the tubs were tipped to pour spoil and missed coal into the sea.

History buffs will enjoy the film.
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