Review of Next Exit

Next Exit (2022)
Next Exit
23 August 2023
(Rose) Katie Parker and (Teddy) Rahul Kohli play two seemingly rather troubled individuals who need to get to a new science centre in San Francisco where Dr Karen Gillan has divided America by proving the existence of life after death and is seeking volunteers to essentially be euthanised so they can help explore the journey. Rose and Teddy volunteer. They must however reconsider their decision as their journey there on Route 66 gets them to reassess their lives.

Often quite funny, often heavily dramatic and not to say a bit hard to follow in places, this is a well paced, likeable yet rightly, I guess, somewhat sinister tale. Both characters have tried suicide before, both have major unresolved family issues and Rose keeps seeing the spirit of her dead mother (spooky). Well done and we'll acted - not sure I wholly bought into the notion and the mumbling rather irked.
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