This movie somehow made SUN WUKONG an underdog.
24 August 2023
As someone who has read the actual Journey To The West novel, I cannot be more disappointed with this characterization of Sun Wukong. It is embarassingly unfaithful to his overall personality, like the writers for this movie glanced at his Wikipedia page and decided to make a movie about him. In the original novel he was well liked by his fellow monkeys and was deemed the king FAR before he had obtained his staff. He is not an underdog, nor was he ever an underdog. I don't know where the idea that he had to overcome some kind of hurdle about being "different" because he was born from stone. Heck, the first two chapters of JTTW are about how he made friends with every animal in the forest, and was generally wiling his days away playing with other monkeys. He's not an outcast. He was loved and I dislike that this movie made it a point of contention to try to make it seem like he became egotistical as some kind of crutch because he was SOOO lonely. No, he became egotistical because he was IMMORTAL and INCREDIBLY STRONG, and even then he only got THOSE powers by SPENDING OVER TEN YEARS training under a legendary monk, defeating the Demon King of Havoc with his bare hands, and by then and only then did he find himself worried that he could not defend his subjects that he decided to get a weapon- which happened to be his staff (which, by the by, is not sentient and Wukong had to actually learn how to use it instead of the thing doing everything for him). I also find the East Dragon and the Jade Emperor's depictions to be alarmingly terrible. They were not the villians of Monkey King's story. There are no villains in his story other than his arrogance. The Jade Emperor is wise and capable, he was not lazy nor rude as he appears in The Monkey King (2023), and the East Dragon was noble and without vain. In fact, they were both tricked and ruffled by Wukong, who threatened them as he pleased. The whole reason the Jade Emperor had him imprisoned is because he was upset that his job wasn't high ranking enough so he fought his way out of Heaven in a massive temper tantrum and upon returning to earth declared himself heaven's equal. The Jade Emperor, The East Dragon, and Wukong are not without flaw- but even this movie stretches too far to try to make a terribly written underdog story of a character who was never meant to be an underdog.

The humor is what I can only describe as being "Netflix Humor", the type of joke that tries too hard to make you laugh. By the third line spoken by Monkey King I was already sick of him. He's not funny. He's boring, one-note, and painfully egotistical, and not in a way that lends to him being any sort of three dimensional.

My only positive is the animation is fluid and clean, but even that is not without it's flaws. The character design is terrible, the texturing worse. I applaud Wukong's face design being a reference to his appearance on stage but he looks like he should not reasonably be able to exist with a lower body the circumfrence of a pole with the upper body resembling the shape of a curled dorito. His head is shaped somewhat like a dinosaur, the best example being something like a Parasaurolophus, complete with the most unreasonably pointy and long swoop of hair I have ever seen. Having to look at him during the run time of this movie was painful. As an artist myself, it was like having cardiac arrest. I'm not dissing stylized animation at all, in fact, I approve of it. A better example of a stylized, eye-pleasing design of a monkey is Monkey from Kubo and the Two Strings. In fact, that movie is just better. Go watch Kubo and the Two Strings instead.

If you're still looking for a Journey to the West themed show aimed at children, watch Lego Monkie Kid. It is beautifully animated and the fight scenes are WELL done. It's overall funnier, better-looking, and offers a more faithful yet still original adaptation of the original JTTW.
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