Inentional Fearmongering
24 August 2023
The film points to the "trend"; of being trans; however, trans people only make up approx. 2% of the population, a percentage that has remained consistent over time.

It says that "puberty blockers are a lie". But puberty blockers first saw use in the 1980s to treat cisgender kids going through early puberty. It only became "a problem" when it was found to help trans kids too.

The film noted in a fearful tone that someone became very pale while on hormones. This is obvious fearmongering.

The film suggests we "follow the money". So, I followed the money on the film. It's owned by Epoch Times Media Group, tied to the Falun Gong religious organization and New Tang Dynasty TV. They receive money from a hedge fund led by conservative donor Robert Mercer. The VP owns a crypto hedge fund and is the creator of a fake news website. ETMG favorably covered the Trump administration and the French and German's far right movements. ETMG promoted a global conspiracy about Clinton and Obama tearing down Trump, as well as the Great Replacement antisemitic conspiracy theory. ETMG denies climate change science and promotes distrust in science.

So who do you trust more? The major medical orgs saying trans healthcare is lifesaving? Or the conspiracy promoting media corp fearmongering about a vulnerable and small population?
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