Absolutely love this show
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

I personally would love if a God actually existed and granted wishes after death. If course I known their is not a god because why would I wish or want a body that at 32 got Bone Cancer can forced me to become permanently disabled. However I am hoping he's man's invent the ability to go into videos games like in Sword Art Online or end of life be uploaded into a free computer afterlife. Because if that could happen which I pray it does. I would ask for this Anime to be my world and my life. Seriously he essentially has an entire town full of beautiful women all to himself and they all want him. I personally would not be rude like he is. They all desperately want the have children. He really needs to man up and help them all out. This God gave him unlimited stamina and recovery for his body, which means he can work non stop if you know what I mean. He also has this magical tool that makes his entire life so easy and amazing. He needs to learn he is not in earth were humans force monogamy in everyone even though monogamy mak a zero sense. No other species on this planet forces monogamy like humans. A few bird species are quote monogamous but that's only for a few months out of the year otherwise they are a part. Maybe humans should try that. Only come together a few months out of the year. Maybe marriage would have a better success rate than it does now. I think divorce in the USA is roughly 70% which means only 30% of all marriages last which is so far below an F it is ridiculous. Clearly it isn't working as intended. Humans should be poly monogamous meaning in a small group. Like primates and pack animals are and how we use to be before modern society forced our current failing system.

But seriously this is a great show. It is not massive action. It is a relaxing show. With a steady pace. Just building a nice home and farm that turns into a town. Over time sexy women trickle in. First you get a beautiful vampire woman which they glance over but they have a baby together yet they have separate rooms. So yeah no sexiness in the show unfortunately. Then an angel girl comes. Next a bunch of elf girls. Then various other women like ogers, beast women, dragon girls, snake women, demon women, etc. I would change how dwarf women look in this show. They apparently are women with beards apparently. You never see any except when one dwarf describes one. I would take a dwarf female from another show, one where they are more sexy than manly. But the show is great and really well done. I actually liked it so much I bought the entire book series. I have seen probably over 1,000+ Anime shows since I became permanently disabled in 2016. And this is definitely in my top 10 animes closer to top 5 probably depending on what I am in the mood for at the time. I truly hope they have more seasons as I have watched this show 5 times already.
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