Review of Aloft

Aloft (2014)
Waste Of Exceptional Talent
25 August 2023
Okay, what's going on here? Is this supposed to be deep, metaphoric or just plain weird. Whatever the intention of the makers, it doesn't work at all. All emotional scenes designed to impact the viewer fall flat because you don't even know what they're going on about. Yeah, the acting is good. So what? The movie doesn't mean anything. It doesn't go anywhere. And it certainly doesn't go out of it's way to clue the viewer in what we are supposed to understand. I don't even know why I gave this 2 stars. Probably for the bird and a few stunning landscape shots. And Jennifer C. Used to be a stunner, but it's tough to recall any film she's been in that was worth cold dog doo doo. I dunno manybe I'm just dense or something but this convolutes disaster only made me irate.
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