You've got to look at this as a possibility, never the complete truth.
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The European exploitation of the early natives they encountered is a mixture of peaceful aide, violent reactions from both sides and the attempts of one side to co-exist that weren't replicated. When young Pocahontas (Sandrine Holt) first appears and sees Captain John Smith (Miles O'Keefe, aka the 1984 Tarzan), she's like a high school freshman girl seeing attractive older boys for the first time and going ga-ga over him, definitely intrigued by the opposite in looks and a sexual spark unaffected by Christian teachings. It's like discovering one's mate in the wild, based on instinct, not what's socially acceptable.

As the chief's daughter, she has a say in Smith's survival when young Billy Merasty prepares to behead him after Smith is taken as prisoner. Merasty goes into cahoots with the evil Englishman Tony Goldwyn out of revenge, even though O'Keefe is now considered an honorary member of the tribe. I'm not taking any of this as fact, nor am I making Merasty the villain, so as a legend of something that happened 400 years ago, it's just meant as one vision of what could have happened. As a film, it's entertaining and colorful, and coming out the same year as the Disney animated film, just another perspective. We'll never know the real truth unless there's a heavenly video recording of what actually happened in the next world.
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