Bowie is far from hunky dory.
26 August 2023
Having starred in a killer clown movie, emotionally fragile actress Bowie (Jenna Kanell) finds herself harrassed by obsessive perverts who inundate her with obscene messages via social media. When her more successful girlfriend Jessica (Danielle Lyn), star of a hit TV show, leaves for a job in London, Bowie is left all alone, and is targeted by an intruder in a clown mask carrying a pair of garden shears; however, Bowie is able to overpower the prowler and deals with him using extreme force, an act of violence that tips the already unstable woman over the edge...

Like Zoe Termelis's character in Ms.45, Bowie flips her wig when attacked by a man. However, unlike Abel Ferrara's movie, Faceless After Dark is less 'satisfying and stylish feminist revenge fantasy' and more weak 'torture porn', the film largely comprising of a series of premeditated acts of violence perpetrated on a series of helpless individuals who, while not exactly upstanding pillars of society, aren't really deserving of such punishment. It's like a rape/revenge movie, but without the rape to justify the revenge.

If an hour or so of a flaky nutjob off her meds luring people to their deaths is what you're after, then have at it, but I was hoping for something a little more substantial.

4.5/10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
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