Ghost Rider rides again
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Devil himself is walking the Earth under the name of Roarke (Ciaran Hinds). Being a human he has to give his devilish self on to another person before he dies of old age. He helps the woman, Nadya (Violante Placido), from a deathly fate, is she will be the vessel for his son.

The son is born, named Danny (Fergus Riordan), and mother and son is hiding from the evil. He is nearing his 13th birthday, on this day Roarke will switch body with Danny, to be stronger than ever. Roarke hires Ray Carrigan (Johnny Whitworth) to get a hold of Danny, to perform the transition. The monk Moreau (Idris Elba) is trying to help mother and son, but fails. The only solution Moreau sees now is to get help from the Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze (Nicholas Cage).

Together these two snap Danny from Carrigan, and the plan is now to take all to a holy place, where also Blaze will get help to get rid of the curse laid on him by Roarke, Ghost Rider.

At the holy place, the holy men at the place have a plan, the leader Methodius (Christopher Lambert) thinks that the only way to prevent Danny from being transfered to a new, bodied devil, is to kill him. Making our heroes under attack from several places.

This is a Marvel film, but nowhere near having the same quality that we today are used to. The film is a bit over the top, and who can you give the lead that with no problems can do a bit over the top himself than Nicholas Cage? But as a matter of fact, Cage is the one saving this film from total disaster. There are a few other well-known names as actors in this, but it must be said, that it isn't even as good as the first Ghost Rider film from 2007. The actors are doing okay, but there is to many What! And Why?. Things just happens.

Another "fun" thing is that composer David Sardy borrows quite a lot from Kashmir by Led Zeppelin throughout the movie.
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