Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
This Episode is Amanda Peet's Story
29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After 3 episodes we finally get around to Amanda Peet's (Dan's wife) story and darn this one lands hard. Not only does they show some of the past events from her perspective (albeit indirectly), she is far more aware of what is going on then a casual watcher would think. Through a few observations, she clearly has suspicions of what is going on, but doesn't pursue it, which honestly seems realistic in that she doesn't want to blow up her life. But then wham she gets hit with something hard in the 2nd half of the episode and one is made to wonder whether Alex is behind it. I like how the show isn't spelling things out and leaving a lot in the realm of mystery. One is beginning to think of Alex as a great deal more sinister, but who knows, maybe it is Dan's imagination at play. Peet does a solid job acting when she is dealing with the suspicion and dealing with a serious tragedy. The show is also exploring the relationships Dan had with his office mates in the DA's office and the fall out of being convicted for murder. All in all, I like the way the series expanded on the movie. After a rocky start (which was more my initial impatience) the show is settling down to an entertaining story.
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