Mastaney (2023)
Eastern excellence and exemplary cinema
30 August 2023
As an Australian, I was curious so I decided to walk-in unplanned on one of the sessions and followed the subtitles as the story unfolded. I have been a devout watcher of historical period dramas/ cinema of regions of South Korea, India, China, Japan, middle east and obviously Hollywood. The poster of warriors at the cinema left me puzzled so of-course the eccentric person I am, I thought to myself - "what is the worst that could happen - I get some sleep"... And boy - was I absolutely wrong and wide off the mark as I have ever been.

This movie has so much impeccability and heart that I was left in awe and almost a new man when I left the cinema room. I have watched thousands of movies from across the world within my 50 years on earth. I have been delighted by a lot of Indian period cinema over the years but this piece of entertainment has impressed me beyond words where truly and undoubtedly I believe Indian cinema has reached heights unimaginable.

Sikhs are a community known in the west as an Indian sub-group, hardworking and humble - but surprisingly they have rich history that needs to be told across the world of being fierce and noble. Sikhs are extremely under-represented in international cinema and I believe this does not do justice to the global cinema scene. I hope this will eventually get translations in English, French and Spanish. We definitely need more sensational period dramas from this community, and I hope they present us many more of such gems possible and get other communities involved.

I intend on watching this again and this time with my kids, who will appreciate the entertainment and the lessons this movie leaves for them of nobility. Thank you - Indian cinema.

Simon Z.
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