Review of Hero

Better Call Saul: Hero (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
8.25/10, Great
30 August 2023
This kind of did go down in quality from the last episode, but this was still good either way. My favorite things about this episode were the Cinematography, the Protagonist, and the storyline. I know this may be a little early, but this show is kind of already in my top 3 shows of all time. The reason for this is because I literally wanted to tell everyone at my school that I am Saul Goodman, which is the reason I started watching this show. I heard people say that the top five shows are Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, Better Call Saul, The Wire, and The Sopranos. I haven't seen The Wire yet, but I have seen Mr. Robot and Breaking Bad fully, and they are my top 2. The other two are top 4 for me, so I might watch The Wire after finishing all of The Sopranos, or maybe this show.
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