The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
It's A Woman's World
1 September 2023
In the world of The Wheel of Time it's the women who hold the power and the tv show it's the women who dominate almost every episode as well. The actresses elevate the script of this very character driven episode with their talent to evoke emotions that transcend the often very thin dialogues.

With the exeption of Daniel Henney's Lan, the men in this show have been flatlining. After not appearing in the season premiere Rand returns this episode with improved acting by Josha, but still subpar compared to his female cast members.

To further prove my point: just compare Marcus Rutherford's Perrin blank stares to the intensity with which Kate Fleedwood (who deserves way more credit in her acting - why isnt this woman a household name yet?) fleshens out her Liandrin role.
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