2023. A Gen-X Review of a Decades Old Film That I've Never, Ever Seen Before
2 September 2023
I remember when this movie came out, I was a long, long way from 37 myself. Still in my twenties and enjoying that sweet, fun ride that was the 90's. I thought to myself, man 37 is so far from here. Will I even be able to relate to this film?

Same with that tv show, Thirtysomething from back in the day. I was in high school mostly then. Like? Look at all those old people. All worried about their old people problems.


And now, here I am at the end of 2023 and I'm long past 37.

Long past. Sadly.

I only bring it up because of both shows focusing on the age of thirties.

Well, this isn't a show but it sure feels like one No surprise given one of the writers is producer David E. Kelley. A longtime tv guy.

And I was wondering how the heck they got Michelle Pfeiffer, in the prime of her career, to play such a silly role in such a silly movie.

Well, she's also Kelley's wife.

This movie has all sorts of problems.

It even starts out all wrong.

There's a road rage incident that could put innocent people in harm's way.

Then there's a nighttime beach scene involving two lovers chasing lustfully after each other.

Is this Jaws?

Is she going in the water?

This is Nantucket.

We're close to Amity.

Okay, I get it. We get it. They're out for a beautiful cruise on the family yacht on Gillian's (Pfeiffer) birthday. Oh, she's such a free spirit. So full of life. So wild, footloose and fancy-free.

But who the heck acts like that?

Who the heck does that?




And so this movie goes.

The actions and dialogue, the things people do and say in this movie is ridiculous and totally unbelievable.

The brother-in-law?

What a creep! Yuck!

The neighbor girl? How old is she even supposed to be? And she's over there all the time. Like, she never leaves. Her parents just leave her at the beach house, alone for days?


The director made The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training, Doctor Detroit and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze.

So, not bad credentials.

But this is a bad time at the beach.

A total summer bummer.

Not even halfway through, I was looking for that great white shark in the water so that I could jump in.
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