The Reunion (2022)
A very watchable series.
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Twenty five years after studying together, a group of friends meet at a reunion, friends that have a secret, the death of a fellow student, who's buried underneath the gymnasium, that's about to be flattened and developed.

It's a pretty good series, the first thing you'll be aware of is the amazing cast, great production values and incredible location. What soon becomes apparent, is that the plot is a little complicated at times.

There is so much happening, at times you'll be scratching your head wondering what's going on, my advice is to stick with it, towards the end of episode four, and throughout episode five, all becomes clear.

It's definitely well paced, at times it's almost a little too fast paced, episode two really did have me wondering what on Earth was happening, episode one could have introduced the characters a little more effectively.

Very well acted, Ioan Gruffudd stood out for me, Gregory Fitoussi and Dervla Kirwan are both very good also.

I can't quite understand some of the negative reviews, there's actually some very good content here, best of all though, Gruffudd.

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